Hire a hitman List of Our Services

Shoot and run
– Shoot and run (stab and run) – the golden classic of contract killings. Rough, efficient, fast. The victim will be tracked down in the agreed places and the job will be done.
You can order such a service if you do not care how the job will be done and how law enforcement agencies will then investigate it. This is the cheapest service from the list of contract killings.
It is popular with ordinary people.

Simulated street robbery
– Order an imitation of a robbery of a person with a fatal outcome, this is an excellent way to kill a person and divert the thoughts of the police in a completely different direction from the true motive for the murder.
Street crime is a common thing, so the correct picture of a street robbery guarantees that the killer you hired through us will do everything so that there will be no other versions except for a robbery.
This is an excellent method that is extremely popular because it is very effective and leads to the desired end of the story.
Our man will simply stab your victim on the street and do it in places where there are street surveillance cameras or eyewitnesses, then demonstratively take the victim’s personal belongings, making it clear to the police that this was his goal, and not the murder itself.

Poisoning by an undetectable toxin
I want to poison a person unnoticed, what poison can I use to poison a person so that it remains unnoticed by forensic examination? You can order the poisoning of a person on our contract killing website, our specialists have several toxins in their arsenal made to order in biochemistry laboratories.
We are a professional criminal community and therefore when our bosses need to kill their enemies unnoticed, the task was set to get new types of deadly poisons. Poisons are not something that can be simply bought at a pharmacy, but they can be synthesized to order. In private laboratories around the world, with due desire and funding, professionals have synthesized a number of suitable toxins for this case and continue to periodically produce new formulas and varieties.
This is their job and their income, and we have the newest poisonous substances in our arsenal, which no expert in the world simply knows about. If the poison has not been studied, then it is not in any reference book or manual on forensic medicine. This fact suggests that by ordering a poisoning service from us or buying poison from us, you are guaranteed to kill a person you do not like, and the cause of his death will be one of the following at your choice – a heart attack, a stroke or a slower option – kidney or liver failure. It is not easy, but it is achievable and irreversible.
We have both slow and fast lethal poisons. Heart attack and stroke are something that can happen even to young people and this is a quick death. Other poisons are slower and in order for death to be natural, they do not kill quickly. We guarantee that the clinical picture will look completely natural and doctors will not think about any poisoning. Usually our killers practice the method of transdermal application of the toxin through the skin, without any punctures. To do this, the toxin is mixed with a special gel, for example, with a gel based on dimethyl sulfoxide.
This substance, when it gets on the skin, perfectly transfers any substance with which it is mixed through it without damage, this method is flawless and invisible. Our killers use a tube of gel, which they squeeze onto a hand dressed in a double medical glove. They just need to touch the exposed area of the victim’s body to poison. This is easy to do in a crowd. There are other methods, such as applying the toxin to a door handle at home or a door handle of a car.
Not to mention more sophisticated methods of delivering poison to the victim’s body unnoticed. There are secrets that cannot be revealed. If you decide to order the poisoning of a person without traces and consequences, then we will do it for you in the most effective way.
But here are more expensive and complex services:

Common kidnapping + murder
kidnapping a person is a complex task that requires the work of a group of people, as well as vehicles. A lot could be written about this, but in general, any person understands that this is a procedure that is at least difficult to perform alone, especially if you need to do it unnoticed. If necessary, the victim will be carried out in a suitcase right from her home, so that no video surveillance camera will show anything unambiguous. And this already implies breaking into the victim’s home, injecting a tranquilizer. And yet, this service is worth the money. Our people will profitably “lose” the victim somewhere in the deep forest.
What if you need to dissolve in acid or put through an industrial meat grinder, feeding the meat to pigs? Sounds disgusting and scary, right? But these are real methods for a person to literally evaporate from this world without leaving even bones. If you order this, it means you are a true professional and you need the literal elimination of a person.
We respect your choice. A good deal! If you want the kidnapped person to be left for you in the right quiet place, then we will leave him there for you along with the tied up car, do whatever you want. It’s normal!
– the service of a show execution implies, for example, not just a street murder, but a beheading in front of witnesses. This will undoubtedly end up in the media. A rare service and its price can be very high depending on the personality of the victim.

Kidnapping of a person with subsequent detailed video recording of torture and torment.
The same kidnapping, only this time it will be a long story. In addition to killing and disposing of the body, our specialists will torture and rape the victim exactly according to your scenario and record it on video.
You can also request a live broadcast over the Internet.
All this is really possible and completely real!

Organization of an accident
Ordering a fatal accident is a great idea if you want your victim to die of natural causes. The best option from our performers is, of course, group work, which is why it is expensive!
For example, breaking the victim’s skull with a pre-prepared object, and then arranging it indoors as an accidental fall and hitting the head on a hard object. The options are very diverse and depend on the location, it is also good to break a person’s neck, and then put him in the right trajectory, simulating a fall and fracture.
Our specialists understand perfectly well how forensic experts will work and will be able to skillfully arrange everything as a natural incident. Of course, they themselves will clean up the traces in this place of action.
This is a complex process and we voice only small details. It should be obvious that there are a variety of options depending on the assumptions of each individual case. Discussed.
– order a simulated suicide of a person, this is a completely understandable service, the meaning and essence of which are quite clear. Usually our people kidnap a person or wait for him at home, there they strangle him with a classic hold and break his cervical vertebrae after he loses consciousness from strangulation.
Then in a suitable room of his house or another place, a mock hanging is arranged. A suicide note is usually written on his unlocked smartphone (if necessary before the murder), sometimes a message is sent to social networks directly from his account and even to relatives. All this is a complex and absolutely ideal procedure.
A whole group of killers + an observation and support group also works here, insuring in different situations. This is an expensive service, but it guarantees the naturalness of what is happening and no one can dispute it. No one knows what is in a person’s head, and the facts indicate that his fictitious motives were most likely real.
No one will check this, and history will decisively accept the suicide version – no expert will be able to discern the signs of a contract killing, these cases will be handled by especially professional teams!

Demonstrative and showy execution
Sometimes someone needs to be killed publicly and with particular cruelty. This is a visual demonstration.
Slaughter like a pig, for example, cut off the head.
People will remember this, people will discuss this and retell this story to each other because it was not just a contract killing, it was a real execution.
Undoubtedly, there are enemies who deserve exactly this kind of death.
Our killers have solved many problems:
I found real hired killers here, these guys carried out a number of my orders, I have no more enemies!
Not all problems can be solved peacefully and I was forced to punish several competitors in my business. Here I was able to hire real assassins who quickly eliminated my enemies. Now if I have problems, I will simply hire a killer and solve it that way. I see no point in talking to bad people, it is easier to kill them with the help of this killer site.

Mister Nobody
Customer of one murder
All is fair in love and war. I hired a hitman here to kill a rival for the heart of my beloved woman. Successfully.
In my personal life there was a competitor who interfered with my relationship with a girl. It was practically the end of all my hopes. But I hired a killer and now this problem is gone, my competitor is dead, and the girl is now with me!

Mister Goodman
Customer of one murder
I have successfully hired a hitman to eliminate someone I don’t like on this site and I am very glad that such services are available on the Internet.
Hiring a killer turned out to be much easier than I thought, all I had to do was contact this service, pay cryptocurrency and soon the target was killed.
Hire an assassin in New York
I needed an assassin in New York and I decided to search on the Internet, thanks to this site I was able to remove from my life a person who was interfering with my business. The killer killed a competitor and now my life is calm, no one interferes with me in my business.
Is it possible to buy a deadly poison if I want to work as a killer myself?
You can buy deadly poison from us, but at an equivalent price as for a custom-made deadly poisoning.
How to get rid someone
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How to get rid of lover
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How to get rid of wife
How to get rid of a husband
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How to get rid of a human
How to kill people
How to kill a man
How to kill a human
How to kill a person
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How best to take revenge on a person
The best way to get revenge
Rent a hitman in USA
I had to look for a killer on the Internet because I have no criminal connections, but I really needed a contract killing service. Here on this site I found what I needed. The victim was kidnapped and killed, after which the body was disposed of without a trace. Now I have no enemies.
Is it possible to hire a hitman online for bitcoin or monero?
I want to hire a hitman using cryptocurrency, so that the transaction is anonymous. I need a reliable contractor, because my target has security. Do you have hired killers for such a task?
Order a murder in Berlin, babysit a killer in Paris, I want to rent an assassin to organize a contract killing in Paris.
Our hired killers are available for order in any major city in the world, USA, Europe, Asia, Australia, India, our killers are everywhere. And if you need a special specialist, we will organize his flight to the required country, for example, from the USA or London.
How to poison people to death how to poison someone to death
How to poison a man to death
How to poison a person
How to punish human
How to punish man
How to punish person
How to punish someone

My story on how I hired a Hitman
In parallel to my work days and free time, I dedicated time to activism in Manilla in favor of equality between women and men in all areas of life. Since I was a medical student, I knew that many times women arrive with serious health problems due to causes that are ultimately related to not having health insurance (having dedicated their entire lives to housework) and to different situations of violence (domestic, social, work, among others).
Since then, I have known that many of the health problems among women were due to the conditions of inequality that prevail in the Philippines because women are not recognized for their work at home or because they are victims of any act of discrimination that is reflected in violence, harassment, or abuse. In July of last year (2024), I decided to take up activism again when I learned that an old friend who was an activist and social fighter, had been murdered while doing some activism.
The news moved me greatly because she was not only a dear friend, but I also admired her for her ability to give in all struggles and for always being willing to help people. When I learned of her, I immediately proceeded to contact acquaintances of hers to ask and learn more about the events and the investigations of the murder because the fact seemed unfair to me and that the authorities should be after the suspects or possible culprits of the crime.
Too many murdered activists in the Philippines
In the Philippines, it is acknowledged that the number of murders of activists and social leaders has increased, so it is an issue that concerns us all. I even took it upon myself to go and ask the police station to find out if they had proceeded to carry out the appropriate investigations. However, the case seemed to be postponed and on hold. I waited a couple of weeks and decided to investigate the events myself, along with acquaintances, family members, or people who had last seen her.
I also contacted some people who live and work in the area where she had been found dead and asked about the possibility that some officers had gone to investigate the events or that the neighbors themselves had seen something strange. Among the neighbors I managed to contact, all had said that up to that point, no one had gone to ask them. Such a revelation from the neighbors worried me and made me realize that something was wrong because, like in the case of my friend and thousands of women, justice never comes.
So, I thought I had to do something and get in touch with some of my acquaintances, colleagues, and friends to have a work strategy to denounce the murder of numerous social leaders and activists in Quezon City and around the country in the context of the great inequality between men and women in the country. Before, activism was carried out with colleagues, acquaintances, and friends from the shelter, who were always willing to show their faces or protest in favor of gender equality. However, in recent years my fight began with unknown people that I met through social networks.
The killer was not even caught yet
So, from my home and on Facebook, in October 2024 I took the initiative to talk about the case of my murdered friend and how the killing took place. I decided to put out a message to allude to the cases of murders of activists and social leaders in the Philippines that have not yet been clarified. In the announcement I posted on Facebook, I also alluded to the possibility that the victims’ relatives could have free legal advice for cases in which justice has not been fair to them.
At the same time, the announcement pointed out the need to report and take note of corrupt officials who did not act by the law by influencing discriminatory practices towards women. So, since November 2024, people from Facebook began to contact me and when possible, I offered to attend to them in a small office that I had set up in the house to discuss the cases. At least 4 women told me that the police station located in the Miguel Hidalgo area did not investigate cases of violence and murders against women, so I decided to publish it on Facebook.
In that post, I also mentioned an officer named Raúl García who did not do any investigations at all, neither he nor his colleagues at that police station. In mid-November, I started receiving strange calls from subjects who claimed to be friends of the officers and in passing expressed death threats. From the beginning, I took many precautionary measures to walk on the street and go to different places, precisely because I knew that I would be at risk due to the activities carried out and the vulnerable situation faced by all activists and people dedicated to social and voluntary work in favor of justice and peace in Manilla and the rest of the Philippines.
How we searched to hire a hitman
As soon as the threats continued by phone, on November 22, 2024, I filed a complaint at the police station for such events and they asked me to give details of my work at the asylum, the social network on Facebook, my contacts, and all the places I used to be so that the investigations could proceed. We had too many problems, so we went online to search for how to rent or hire a hitman in the Philippines. We got in touch with several hitmen and we asked them how much they charged but we had nothing confirmed, we were just asking for information.
After filing the complaint, they told me to go back and only gave me the folio number of the complaint. Then I asked for a copy of the complaint and they told me they couldn’t give it to me. I remember going around in circles and they just said they would call me to “continue” with the follow-up of the case, but I’m sure they never started some sort of investigation. When I responded to the anonymous calls with threats, the subjects pretended to be “friends of officers” so they could be associated with the police station where the officer was accused of not fulfilling his duties fully and filing charges for not supporting investigations or covering up for suspects and criminals.
On January 15, a woman came forward for the case of a reported rape and poor service by an officer. While I was talking to her, her phone rang three times and she started writing messages to respond to someone who had written to her. I was trying to help the woman when suddenly I heard loud knocks on the door and I had barely asked who it was when I only heard that he had search warrants. For a few seconds I was faced with the dilemma of opening or escaping, but when I opened the door three individuals entered with firearms and who claimed to have orders to search my belongings.
I asked them for the search warrant, but they never showed it to me. In front of me, they began to search and take everything they could without my consent (documents, folders, computer, printer). In particular, what affected me the most was that they saw the online service where I had a backup of a good part of the information because another part was on a memory stick that they also took.
I was backing up the data on WeTransfer, but when the armed men arrived, I had the computer on and the online service activated, so they noticed and quickly proceeded to change the password. That same day when I tried to enter WeTransfer it was too late, and I could no longer enter.
Only a hitman for hire could help us
When I went to the police station to report the armed robbery (because they never showed me the search warrant) I received terrible attention from the officers since according to them I had gone too far with those statements and, according to, everything that happened to me was because I was not doing things right. In addition, they reminded me that I was reporting the incidents but at the same time, I dared to speak badly of them so they were not up to those “games” and that no one would believe all my “theater” because it made no sense how I proceeded. This was not making any sense; the police were not helping me at all so we thought that we had no other option but to contact those hitmen for hire once again to help us solve our issues.
In the end, they suggested that I remove the ads on the social network Facebook because I was the one that was causing the problems. The day of the robbery I did not return home and stayed with some relatives. The next day I went to Quezon City for fear that something worse would happen to me. I also decided to stay in a room that was rented by an acquaintance.
My husband would join me later since he had to stay even more days in the city for work. I was calm for a few days until the owner of the room where I was staying called me on my cell phone to ask me to leave the place. I asked him why and he told me that he did not want to have problems with the authorities because, on Facebook, my photo appeared with accusations of being a dangerous person for operating in an organ trafficking network. According to the gentleman, it was circulating throughout Colombia with comments and expressions of anger and indignation from many people, which were usually accompanied by likes and shares. The gentleman asked me to leave the room as soon as possible because otherwise, he would have to talk to the police.
The gentleman was kind enough to send me this post on Facebook, which also had a phone number to report my whereabouts and that they were offering a reward of 10,000,000 pesos. It wasn’t the police; it was the criminals from the police station who were looking for me and that’s why they told falsehoods about me. That same day I left my room and secretly went to the house of a friend and classmate I had met in medical school. She helped me change my physical appearance so I wouldn’t be identified and move around the streets and on public transportation, without the risk of being detained at any time or by anyone.
We finally contacted the killer to do the job